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Identifier Change
Short name Change
Dataset WISE-BW2006/7/EC
Table Identified bathing waters
Reference URL
Name ChangeReason
Definition Reasons for changes of a list of bathing waters compared to preceding year: opening of new bathing waters, re-opening, closing and de-listing of bathing waters;
Change of attributes of “Inventory of BW” table compared to preceding year: BWID (BWType is “1”), BWName or ShortName, BWaterCat, longitude and latitude, region, province or commune, etc.;
-if bathing water is re-opened,
-if bathing water was de-listed already in previous season(s) (from which season on);
Characteristics of closed bathing waters:
-if bathing water is closed temporarily (i.e. a part of the season),
-if bathing water is closed permanently for the current season (i.e. the entire season),
-the length of a temporal closure during the season;
-reasons for not monitoring, if bathing water is not sampled (Class is “0”);
Description of public participation procedure in establishment, review and updating of lists of bathing waters (new, de-listed bathing waters, change of BWName etc.): period of participation, involved stakeholders and general public, communication tools (e.g. conferences, website, press release), etc.
Methodology for obtaining data This is a required, not null field.
Value = "na" if no change.
Use UTF-8 codelist.
Reasons for changes of a list of bathing waters compared to preceding year (Art.13 of Directive 2006/7/EC).
Public participation procedure in establishment, review and updating of lists of bathing waters (Art.11 of Directive 2006/7/EC).
Reasons for changes and description of public participation procedure can also be given separately in a Word document. The name of file “Annex to Change” is recommended. If necessary, provide a list of bathing waters in the document.
Datatype string
Minimum size 1
Maximum size 100
Public or Internal undefined
Reporting obligation