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Identifier Change
Short name Change
Dataset WISE_BWD_2008
Table Identified bathing waters
Reference URL
Name ChangeReason
Definition Reasons for changes of a list of bathing waters compared to preceding year: opening of new bathing waters, re-opening, closing and permanently closing of bathing waters;
Change of attributes of "Inventory of BW" table compared to preceding year (old codes/names): BWID (BWType is "1"), BWName or ShortName, BWaterCat, longitude and latitude, region, province or commune, etc.;
-if bathing water is re-opened,
Characteristics of closed bathing waters:
-the length of a temporal closure during the season, if bathing water is closed a part of the season;
-reasons for not monitoring of bathing water;
-reasons for change of water category, if changed from coastal / transitional to inland or the opposite;
- changes of bathing water type compared to the inventory of identified bathing waters as reported by the beginning of the bathing season.
Description of public participation procedure in establishment, review and updating of lists of bathing waters (new, permanently closed bathing waters, change of BWName etc.): period of participation, involved stakeholders and general public, communication tools (e.g. conferences, website, press release), etc.
Methodology for obtaining data Value = "na" if no change.
Use UTF-8 codelist.
Reasons for changes of a list of bathing waters compared to preceding year (Art.13 of Directive 2006/7/EC).
Public participation procedure in establishment, review and updating of lists of bathing waters (Art.11 of Directive 2006/7/EC).
Reasons for changes and description of public participation procedure can also be given separately in a Word document. The name of file "Annex to Change" is recommended. If necessary, provide a list of bathing waters in the document.
Datatype string
Minimum size 1
Maximum size 1000
Public or Internal undefined
Reporting obligation