Concept: Processing of non-ferrous metals: melting, including the alloyage, of non-ferrous metals, including recovered products and operation of non-ferrous metal foundries, with a melting capacity exceeding 4 tonnes per day for lead and cadmium or 20 tonnes per day for all other metals. in the IEDAnnexIActivityValue vocabulary

Concept URI
Preferred label Processing of non-ferrous metals: melting, including the alloyage, of non-ferrous metals, including recovered products and operation of non-ferrous metal foundries, with a melting capacity exceeding 4 tonnes per day for lead and cadmium or 20 tonnes per day for all other metals.
Definition Processing of non-ferrous metals: melting, including the alloyage, of non-ferrous metals, including recovered products and operation of non-ferrous metal foundries, with a melting capacity exceeding 4 tonnes per day for lead and cadmium or 20 tonnes per day for all other metals.
Notation 2.5(b)
Status Valid
Status Modified 2017-02-08
Accepted Date 2017-02-08
Not Accepted Date