Vocabulary: Poland

Folder lau2018 (Local Administrative Units (LAU, version 2018))
Identifier pl
Label Poland
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/lau2018/pl/
Registration status Released 10 Nov 2018 08:32:50
Type Common
  • Local Administrative Units (LAU) from Eurostat
  • 2018
  • (c) European Union, 1995-2018. Reuse is authorised, provided the source is acknowledged, https://ec.europa.eu/info/legal-notice_en#copyright-notice

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

2,478 concepts found, displaying 101 to 120.First23456789Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
1001121231204 Klucze Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231204
1001121231205 Olkusz Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231205
1001121231206 Trzyciąż Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231206
1001121231207 Wolbrom Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231207
1001121231301 Oświęcim Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231301
1001121231302 Brzeszcze Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231302
1001121231303 Chełmek Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231303
1001121231304 Kęty Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231304
1001121231305 Osiek Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231305
1001121231306 Oświęcim Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231306
1001121231307 Polanka Wielka Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231307
1001121231308 Przeciszów Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231308
1001121231309 Zator Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231309
1001121231801 Andrychów Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231801
1001121231802 Brzeźnica Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231802
1001121231803 Kalwaria Zebrzydowska Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231803
1001121231804 Lanckorona Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231804
1001121231805 Mucharz Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231805
1001121231806 Spytkowice Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231806
1001121231807 Stryszów Valid 10.11.2018 1001121231807