Vocabulary: Consumption item/head

Folder eurostat (Eurostat dictionaries)
Identifier capitem
Label Consumption item/head
Base URI http://dd.eionet.europa.eu/vocabulary/eurostat/capitem/
Registration status Released 20 Apr 2010 11:32:50
Type Common
  • Original source from Eurostat at http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu/NavTree_prod/everybody/BulkDownloadListing?file=dic/en/capitem.dic

Bound elements for concepts

No bound elements found.

Vocabulary concepts

38 concepts found, displaying 1 to 20.FirstPrev12Last
Id Label Status Status Modified Notation
HCC_01111 Cereals (excluding rice) (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01111
HCC_011111 Wheat Total (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_011111
HCC_011111A Common wheat (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_011111A
HCC_011111B Durum wheat (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_011111B
HCC_011112 Barley (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_011112
HCC_011113 Maize (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_011113
HCC_01112 Rice - Total (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01112
HCC_0112 Meat - Total (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_0112
HCC_01121 Meat : Cattle (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01121
HCC_01122 Meat : Pigs (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01122
HCC_01123 Meat : Sheep and goats (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01123
HCC_01124 Meat : Poultry (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01124
HCC_01125 Meat : Equidae (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01125
HCC_0113 Fish and seafood (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_0113
HCC_011411 Drinking milk (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_011411
HCC_011412 Cheese (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_011412
HCC_01142 Eggs (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01142
HCC_01151 Butter (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01151
HCC_01152 Vegetable fats and oils (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01152
HCC_01161 Fresh fruit (kg/head) Valid 20.04.2010 HCC_01161