View table

Identifier DWD_NCI_1
Short name DWD_NCI_1 (04_1_NonComplianceInformation)
Dataset WISE_DWD
Reference URL
Name 04_1_NonComplianceInformation
Short Description Non compliance information - additional attributes
Definition Non compliance information - additional attributes


Element name Datatype Element type
* Water Supply Zone ID (WSZ_ID) C string Quantitative
* Parameter (Parameter) C string Fixed values
* NCI_Row_ID (DWD_NCI_Row_ID) C  (PK) integer Quantitative
* NCI_UseRestriction_YN (DWD_NCI_UseRestriction_YN) string Quantitative
* NCI_UseProhibition_YN (DWD_NCI_UseProhibition_YN) string Quantitative
* NCI_Rest_Proh_reason (DWD_NCI_Rest_Proh_reason) string Quantitative
* DWD_NCI_Restr_Proh_timeframe (DWD_NCI_Restr_Proh_timeframe) C string Fixed values
* Year (DWD_Year) C integer Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)