View table

Identifier NiD_SW_Conc
Short name SW_NO3_Concentrations
Dataset NiD_water
Reference URL
Name NO3 concentrations in surface water
Short Description NO3 values for each surface water monitoring station
Definition NO3 concentrations measured in each surface water monitoring station.
Methodology for obtaining data Data on surface water monitoring stations are collected for each reporting period (4 year period). For each station the average winter concentration and the maximum value for NO3 in the whole measurement period have to be reported. If the same station has been used for monitoring in the previous period, a trend value (average current reporting period - average previous reporting period) can be indicated. This table should be used for all surface water monitoring stations. Discrimination between the surface water entities (river, lake, etc.) can be made by indicating the "Station type"
The combination of the elements CountryCode, NationalStationCode and StationType must create a unique record in the table.
Please consider the following when compiling your data delivery:
1. Submit data for each sample site (no aggregation of stations).
2. mg/l NO3 is the mandatory measurement unit for all concentration values provided in this table.
Measuring period for winter data:
Rivers and lakes: sampled for the months October to March.
TCM waters: October to March, or alternatively for the winter period as defined for particular EU regions e.g. October-March, October-April, December-February and December-March for the Baltic, Central European, Atlantic and Mediterranean area, respectively; in case different period is used than October-March please include this information.
Filling out the tables:
All elements are required to be filled out unless “optional” or "voluntary" has been indicated or unless the element is not applicable (e.g. if a monitoring station is not used for reporting for WFD, the element EU_CD cannot be filled out.)
If “mandatory” or "required" is indicated, the element shall always be filled in. After submitting the table in Reportnet, the QA in Reportnet will give an error message if the content of the cell will be empty.


Element name Datatype Element type
* Country Code (CountryCode) C string Fixed values
National station code (ND_NatStatCode) C string Quantitative
Station type (ND_StationType) C string Fixed values
Beginning date (ND_BeginDate) C date Quantitative
End date (ND_EndDate) C date Quantitative
* Number of samples (ND_NoOfSamples) C integer Quantitative
Average winter value (ND_AvgWintValue) C float Quantitative
Maximum value (ND_MaxValue) C float Quantitative
Trend Value (ND_TrendValue) C float Quantitative
Trend winter value (ND_TrendWintValue) C float Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)