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Identifier NVZBoundaries
Short name NVZ_DES_GIS
Dataset NiD_water
Reference URL
Name Designated Nitrate Vulnerable Zones GIS boundaries
Short Description Geographical information on the Designated Nitrate Vulnerable Zones
Definition Attribute data referring to geographical data sets of NVZ areas are requested to update the NVZ database hosted by JRC.
Methodology for obtaining data Digital geographical data sets and their geographical coordinates should be provided in ETRS89 coordinate system (European Terrestrial Reference System 89).
The geographical data sets for the creation and updating of the NVZ database should be submitted in shapefile or geodatabase formats. Please provide polygons only.

Member States that apply a whole territory approach according to article 3 §5 of the directive are exempted to identify specific vulnerable zones.


Element name Datatype Element type
* Country Code (CountryCode) C string Fixed values
InsertedWhen (ND_InsertedWhen) C date Quantitative
Inserted By (ND_InsertedBy) C string Quantitative
Name NVZ (NameNVZ) string Quantitative
ZoneID (ZoneID) string Quantitative
Name of coherent group (NameCoher) string Quantitative
Type (Type) string Quantitative
* Beginning date NVZ (BegindateNVZ) date Quantitative
End date NVZ (EnddateNVZ) date Quantitative
* Validity (Validity) string Fixed values
Area KM2 (Areakm2) decimal Quantitative
Area Declared (AreaDeclared) decimal Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)