View table

Identifier NiD_GW_Stat
Short name GW_MonitoringStations
Dataset NiD_water
Reference URL
Name List of groundwater monitoring stations
Short Description Information on the groundwater monitoring stations used to report water quality data under the Nitrates Directive.
Definition Detailed information on the characteristics of the groundwater monitoring stations
Methodology for obtaining data The data requested for Nitrates Directive should be derived from existing national and/or regional monitoring networks within each Member State.
The combination of the elements CountryCode, NationalStationCode and StationType must create a unique record in the table. No duplicate records should exist with this combination.
Please consider the following when compiling your data delivery:
Provide information on the monitoring stations. Station location must represent a point location.
Filling out the tables:
All elements are required to be filled out unless “optional” or "voluntary" has been indicated or unless the element is not applicable (e.g. if a monitoring station is not used for reporting for WFD, the element EU_CD cannot be filled out.)
If “mandatory” or "required" is indicated, the element shall always be filled in. and after submitting the table in Reportnet, the QA in Reportnet will give an error message if the content of the cell will be empty.


Element name Datatype Element type
* Country Code (CountryCode) C string Fixed values
National station code (ND_NatStatCode) C string Quantitative
Station type (ND_StationType) C string Fixed values
ND_National station name (ND_NatStatName) C string Quantitative
* Water Body ID (WaterBodyID) C string Quantitative
Water Body Name (WaterBodyName) C string Quantitative
Depth (ND_Depth) C decimal Quantitative
National station code Nitrates Directive (ND_NatStatCodeND) C string Quantitative
* Drinking water station (ND_Drinking) C boolean Fixed values
* Longitude (Longitude) C decimal Quantitative
* Latitude (Latitude) C decimal Quantitative
WFD station code (EU_CD) string Quantitative
Waterbase station code (WaterbaseID) string Quantitative
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)
(the C sign marks a common element)