View table

Identifier sectionAMeasures
Short name sectionAMeasures (02_3_SectionAMeasures)
Dataset IAS
Reference URL
Name 02_3_SectionAMeasures


Element name Datatype Element type
* Report ID (reportID)  (PK) string Quantitative
* row_id (row_id)  (PK) string Quantitative
* parent_row_id (parent_row_id)  (PK) string Quantitative
* population_name (population_name) string Quantitative
* population_code (population_code) integer Quantitative
start_date (start_date) date Quantitative
end_date (end_date) date Quantitative
measure_type (measure_type) string Fixed values
no_negative_impact (no_negative_impact) boolean Fixed values
measure_effectiveness (measure_effectiveness) string Fixed values
additional_information (additional_information) string Quantitative
measure_objective (measure_objective) string Fixed values
(an asterisk in front of element name indicates that the element is mandatory in this table)