Allowable values of Class element

Code Label Definition
0 bathing water opened for bathing, but not sampled (if it belongs to a bathing water group or due to other reasons, such as lack of management). status can not be computed (no data available)
1 excellent quality
10 not compliant with the mandatory value of the Directive 76/160/EEC for Escherichia coli
2 good quality
3 sufficient quality
4 poor quality
5 frequency criteria (first sample shortly before the start of the season, sampling intervals - one month during the bathing season) not satisfied insufficiently sampled
6 new bathing water identified with necessary dataset not compiled yet (when the classification of bathing waters according to the Annex II of the Directive has already started) new (not yet classification possible)
7 Bathing water with necessary dataset not available yet since the occurence of changes. Closed bathing water; if closed due to bad quality, it needs to be sampled; if closed due to other reasons (e.g. renovation, not accessible (construction activities nearby) and can not be sampled), the monitoring is not needed. Re-opened bathing water. changes (not yet classification possible after changes)
8 compliant with the mandatory value of the Directive 76/160/EEC for Escherichia coli and the more stringent guide values of the Directive for intestinal enterococci and Escherichia coli
9 compliant with the mandatory value of the Directive 76/160/EEC for Escherichia coli and not compliant with the guide values of the Directive 76/160/EEC for Escherichia coli or intestinal enterococci.