View element definition


Identifier ManMeas
Short name ManMeas
Dataset WISE-BW2006/7/EC
Table Bathing season table
Reference URL
Name ManMeas
Definition Description of significant management measures taken.
BW profile including description (physical, geographical and hydrological description of bathing water).
Information to public:
Media and technologies, including the Internet, and easy accessible place in the near vicinity of bathing water for disseminating actively and promptly the information to public. These include radio, television, newspapers, magazines, press conferences, press releases, workshops, public awareness campaigns, information points, panels, signs, boards, posters set up in bathing areas, leaflets distributed in bathing areas, registers held by the competent authorities, website (including interactive maps), national reports, other publications, articles etc.
Causes of pollution:
Identifying and assessing causes of different types of pollution. There are several types of pollution according to Directive 2006/7/EC: abnormal situations, short term pollution, proliferation of cyanobacteria, proliferation of macro-algae and/or phytoplankton, bathing waters of poor quality (non-compliance during “transition period”). These causes are weather conditions (e.g. storms, droughts), floods (abnormal situations) or accidental discharges, dumping of waste, sewage overflows, etc.
Definition text continues in the Methodology column on the right.
Methodology for obtaining data This is a required, not null field.
Value = "na" when no management measures have been taken.
Use UTF-8 codelist.
The list of management measures is given in the Art. 2 of Directive 2006/7/EC.
BW profile has to be established till 24.3.2011 (Art. 6 of Directive 2006/7/EC). For group of BWs, a bathing waters profile has to be established as soon as possible.
Information to public (Art.12 of Directive 2006/7/EC).
Description of measures can be also given separately in a Word document. The name of file “Annex to ManMeas” is recommended. If necessary, provide a list of bathing waters in the document.
Definition column - continuation:
Action to prevent bathers' exposure to pollution and to reduce the risk of different types of pollution. These include information to public on media, information to bathers’ on site (info tables, flags…), preventing access, cleaning, observing and additional monitoring, etc.
Also other remarks can be entered into this field.
Datatype string
Minimum size 0
Maximum size 5000
Public or Internal undefined
Reporting obligation